You can compare them and decide which one is better according to your own needs. So, in this post, I'd like to introduce you 10 advanced photo enhancer to help you edit & enhance an image on your Mac, PC, iPhone or other mobile phones. However, it is not suitable for a beginner or people who're looking for a photo editor with simple functions like text writing, adjust transparent, etc. There are lots of photo editor software on the market, and Adobe Photoshop can be treated as one of the most popular photo editing software among designers, and professionals. Well, if you have encountered a question or trouble as the above, then, a professional yet easy to use photo enhancer can help you get out of these troubles soon. What is the best photo editing software? How to quickly adjust the brightness of a photo, blur faces, or add mosaic effects in a photo? How to edit photos in Photoshop or alternative tools like it?